Musei Tora Bujinkan 無声 虎 体術

Classical Japanese Warrior Arts & Culture

Budo Taijutsu 武道体術

Taijutsu 体術 is a generic term for techniques of unarmed combat in classical Japanese martial arts, and is an umbrella term including strikes, kicks, throws, joint locks, chokes, and passive defensive combat relevant movement (such as rolling, diving, leaping, climbing). Tai is a term that refers to the body, or body movement in this case while jutsu implies the technical application, science, or skill. Taijutsu hence, is the technique/science of body movement and Budo Taijutsu is that technique applied to martial arts.

With our study for our martial art, it is not based on rapid, jolting, sporting movements, which can eventually cause damage to the body, but rather, functional mobility which relies on natural movement of how to push, pull, twist, lift, and throw. Rather than focusing on a particular muscle group to make a function work, such as legs for running or upper body for boxing, our taijutsu is literally a science of training the whole body to work in a synergetic way which won't leave you (unlike muscle or bone loss) when you're injured, sick or old. 

Because this is a wartime art and not a sport art, it has to work on the ground, standing, unarmed, or armed. And so, to continue studying the whole body, everything is learned through the same natural progression as birth: we start the movement prone on the ground, perform it sitting, then kneeling, followed by squatting and standing, and move to walking and finally by applying gradual increases of resistance. 

Deeper than Martial Arts.

Older than Martial Arts.

The Origin of Martial Arts.